Test Details Overview

Introduce ledger view classes to separate confirmed/unconfirmed operations on the ledger


Type: pull request

Hash: e030f0d2398fefff430672b1d4fbed2bf0ad23ff

Created: 110 day(s) ago



Test Results

Test Case Status Duration Median Deviation Log Graph
5n4pr_conf_10k_bintree FAIL 175 s 64.0 s Show Show
5n4pr_conf_10k_change PASS 133 s -45.0 s - Show
5n4pr_conf_change_dependant PASS 135 s -14.0 s - -
5n4pr_conf_change_independant PASS 166 s 18.5 s - -
5n4pr_conf_send_independant PASS 123 s -15.5 s - -