Test Details Overview

Move recently_cemented_cache and recently_confirmed_cache to their own files.


Type: pull request

Hash: 9371bfd3fa5d125deac8e83d9c4d3fc5874f4cb5

Created: 81 day(s) ago



Test Results

Test Case Status Duration Median Deviation Log Graph
5n4pr_conf_10k_bintree PASS 139 s 28.0 s - Show
5n4pr_conf_10k_change PASS 159 s -19.0 s - Show
5n4pr_conf_change_dependant PASS 153 s 4.0 s - -
5n4pr_conf_change_independant PASS 177 s 29.5 s - -
5n4pr_conf_send_dependant PASS 148 s 14.0 s - -
5n4pr_conf_send_independant PASS 136 s -2.5 s - -